PuTTY PuTTY is a free implementation of SSH and Telnet for Windows and Unix platforms, along with an xterm terminal emulator.
Visual Studio Code Visual Studio Code is a code editor redefined and optimized for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications. Visual Studio Code is free and available on your favorite platform - Linux, macOS, and Windows.
SecureCRT VanDyke Software: Secure Shell Solutions - Secure File Transfer, Secure Terminal Emulation, SSH, SSH2, SFTP, FTP
嗨格式录屏大师 嗨格式录屏大师软件是一款国产类软件,适用于Windows操作系统。软件能够音画同步录制电脑桌面操作、娱乐游戏、在线课程等屏幕活动。支持全屏录制、区域录制、摄像头录制等多种录制视频模式,帮助用户轻松搞定屏幕视频录像。产品特色①灵活快捷,一键录屏简洁的录制界面,傻瓜式的操作,强大的录制功能,轻松录制个性化动画录像视频, 带来高效、易用、稳定的用户体验。②原画视频,高清录制多级画质,满足所有主流视频画质要求,三个级别(原画、高清、标清)随心设置,不限时间不限大小。音画同步不卡顿,录制区域灵活。③光标/鼠标运动特效可自由设置录制鼠标指针,鼠标移动轨迹颜色,鼠标高亮颜色、鼠标点击效果。鼠标指针运动能有效引导观众视线,完美呈现录屏效果。